Accommodation schools
Around all residential schools, parking takes place around the schools according to signs and common sense. No escape routes may be blocked. It is OK to park on the school premises as long as no escape routes are blocked.

Particularly problematic is the traffic situation to and from Nydala playing field, where the parking can be full during the tournament. You can easily reach Nydala playing field by public transport, line 1 towards Östra Ersboda, stop Nydala. Please choose free parking options at Cytiva´s (former GE Healthcare) parking (sign at the crossing between Älgvägen and Mariehemsvägen). Parking at the Nydala playing field costs 30 SEK per day. You can pay with cash or swish!

MSK Arena
Parking is available at the arena, entrance to Bräntbergsbacken. If the parking next to the playing field is full, more parking spaces are located at Bräntberget. Parking fee according to signage!  

Umeå Energi Arena Sol
Parking is available on the parking lots next to Umeå Energi Arena Sol. Parking fee according to signage!

Vildmannavallen 1 and 2
Parking takes place at Vildmannahallen and on the large car park inside Umestan. Parking fee according to signage. No parking after the bike path along the arena.

Campus Arena
Parking takes place on the parking lot situated next to the playing field. Parking fee according to signage!


Parking takes place on the grassy areas by the playing field, as well as adjacent parking (parking fee according to signage).

Nolia 1 och Thoren Arena

Parking next to the playing fields, parking fee .

Östra Ersbodaskolans konstgräs

Parking according to signage next to playing field/school, parking fee.